Couple Coaching With Drs. David & Debbie McFadden

Couple Coaching

Are you uncertain about your future as a couple? Perhaps you've lost the spark and need guidance on rekindling it. Managing the flame's rekindling can be challenging for couples. These problems often arise in relationships.

You may relate to some of these problems:

  • Lost spark in your sex life
  • Struggles with parenting
  • Difficulty letting grown children go
  • Rescuing Children from Consequences
  • Financial arguments with your partner
  • Issues with in-laws or family interference
  • Lack of shared activities and dwindling enjoyment
  • Avoiding each other instead of spending time together
  • Escalating arguments that need to stop
  • Increasingly difficult differences to handle
  • Loving your partner but feeling miserable day-to-day

You're not alone in feeling this way. Seeking support during tough relationship moments is crucial to prevent minor issues from becoming deal breakers. Solutions to these problems and more are attainable with guidance.

Couple Coaching

You may need help identifying and choosing the right solutions for your relationship. Let us assist you as you navigate through problems and make decisions together.

With our education, coaching experience, and life experience, we can steer you in a better direction.

It's normal for couples to struggle with issues or reach impasses. Sometimes, having a supportive team is beneficial. We are here to help you. In addition, we provide joint appointments, where all four of us come together to address your problems. We listen, ask questions, and offer perspectives from both genders to guide you effectively.

This approach ensures that each of you is heard and understood from a male and female perspective. You won't feel alone or overwhelmed. By listening and learning from both of us, you'll gain insight into each other's viewpoints.

If you're ready, take the next step and explore couples coaching. Call 630-333-3202 for a free 15-20 minute phone/Skype consultation. We'll explain our process and provide the information you need to decide how we can best work together.

We follow the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C. and their directions to business owners.